How to get to Mount Kinabalu - OhVacay.Com

How to get to Mount Kinabalu

Located in Sabah Malaysia, mount Kinabalu offer magnificent view. To get here from your location you can take flight to Kota Kinabalu International airport. However, if there is no direct flight, you can take transit flight to KLIA first then continue to Kota Kinabalu. 

To reach the mount Kinabalu peak, normally the full board package offer by travel agent is start from RM1000++ per person for 2D1N. However, if you want save your money you can call direct the management team for the reservation. There are three group that responsible to handle the reservation:
1- Sabah Park
2- Sutera Sanctuary Lodge (SSL)
3- Mountain Torq

Mount Kinabalu
Mount Kinabalu

During the day to ascend to Low's peak, don't forget to wear appropriate attire and bring together with you enough water (you can refill mountain water at shelter), snacks, toiletries, head lamp, glove (optional), waterproof backpack, hiking poles (optional), camera, own medicine or first aid, poncho and wind breaker.

To ascend to the Low's Peak it divided into 2 phase:
1- From Gate Timpohon to Laban Rata
From Gate Timpohon to Laban Rata it takes about four hours walking with distance 6 km. However, it depends on your fitness level and can be drag up to six hours. Along the trek you will find six shelters and each shelter provided one or two toilet. After you arrived at the Laban Rata, you can take a short rest before dinner or reward yourself with a cup of coffee. 

During the dinner at 7 pm at cafeteria you will serve with variety of food included rice, chicken, mutton and many more. Take as much as you can eat.  

2- From Laban Rata to Low's Peak
To ascend to Low's Peak you are required to wake-up early and take supper around 2 am. It compulsory to you to ascend to the Low's peak before 3 am or otherwise you will not allowed to ascend . To the Low's Peak it takes about 3 hours with walking distance 2.5 km by walking on rock surface and cold weather.

Mount Kinabalu cafeteria
Cafeteria in Mount Kinabalu  

For your information, you are required to reach at the Sayat-sayat check point before 5 am. For the safety reason, after this cut of time you are not allowed to ascend to the peak. While, at the peak you only allowed to stay there until 7 am. After this cut of time you need to descend to Laban Rata.

After you arrived at the Laban Rata, you can take your breakfast and check-out from the dorm. Please make sure you check-out before 10 am, otherwise you will be penalties and need to pay extra charge. Don't forget to collect your certificate at the Kinabalu Park before you depart to Kota Kinabalu. 

Summary of Mount Kinabalu

Difficulty level - Dificult
Duration to ascend - About 4 + 3 hour
Distance - 8.5 km 
Height - 4095.2 meter above sea level 
Permit - Compulsory 
Guider - Compulsory 
Location - Kinabalu, Sabah

***Enjoy your day***
How to get to Mount Kinabalu How to get to Mount Kinabalu Reviewed by Lah Mohd on 07:05:00 Rating: 5

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